Chhattisgarh Private Medical Colleges MBBS Budget 2025

Today we will discuss about-Chhattisgarh Private Medical Colleges MBBS Budget 2025. Read this article till end to know the complete admission & counselling details with Govt and private medical colleges of Chhattisgarh.

Chhattisgarh Private Medical Colleges MBBS Budget 2025

First of all we would lime to share about NEET UG examination & MBBS seats.

As far as NEET UG 2025 is concerned , it will be conducted on May 4 , 2025 (Sunday) and result will be decalred by the end of May.

As per latest information from official website of NMC ,  there are 779 medical colleges with 117975 MBBS seats in India .If we compare with last year data this year there will be 15000 more MBBS seats at the time of counselling. Last year 53 new medical colleges gets approval for MBBS admission for session 2023-24. Out of these 53 new medical colleges 31(Thirty one) were Government and 22 (Twenty Two) were deemed/private medical colleges. If we check state wise new medical colleges ,highest 12 (Twelve) were in Telangana ,05 (five) each in Rajasthan ,Andhra Pradesh , Maharashtra ,04 (Four ) in Gujarat ,03 (Three) each in Assam, Haryana ,Karnataka , Tamil Nadu , 02 (Two) in West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha , J & K  and 01 (one) each in Uttar Pradesh and Nagaland .

NEET UG 2025 exam Schedule by NTA

Click here to fill NTA NEET UG 2025 application form .

As per notification of NTA ,this year NEET UG 2025 will be conducted on May 4 , 2025 (Sunday) and result will be declared before June 14 , 2025 after that state will release merit list for MBBS BDS and other profession courses admission 2025. In Govt. medical colleges  15% of total seats are reserved for All India Quota  and counselling for these seats are conducted by Medical Counselling Committee (MCC).  For the remaining 85 % seats of Govt. colleges and 100% seats of private medical colleges(if any) counselling will be conducted by state authority. If we go through the official website data we find that 8420 MBBS seats are already updated on official website of NMC for coming session. Good news is that last year, 02 ( Two) new medical colleges were proposed in state.

Total MBBS seats in India 2025

Total MBBS seats in India Till 10-03-2025
Colleges Colleges Seats
Govt 431 60460
Private/Deemed 348 57515
Grand Total 779 117975

Here is NEET UG cut off last few years:

NEET UG Qualifying cut off marks 2024 ,2023,2022,2021,2020,2019,2018,2017 

Category %tile NEET UG Cut off
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
UR/EWS 50th 720-162 720-137 715-117 720-138 720-146 701-134 691-119 697-131
UR/EWS-PH 45th 163-127 136-121 116-105 137-122 146-129 133-120 118-107 130-118
SC/ST/OBC 40th 163-127 136-107 116-93 137-108 146-113 133-107 118-96 130-107
PH-ST/SC/OBC 40th 163-127 136-107 116-93 121-108 146-113 133-107 106-96

Here is Round wise cut off & Budget of Private medical colleges of Chhattisgarh –

Fees Hostel Charges 2024 Total Budget
Institute Per Annum & Misc R 1-AIR Marks R 2-AIR Marks
Shri Balaji Inst of MS, Raipur 8L 4L 85197 593 116989 566
SSIMS, Bhilai 8L 4L 76201 601 119097 565
Raipur IMS, Raipur 8L 4L 83729 594 151350 539
AIMMMCR, Bhilai 8L 4L 108554 573 188649 511
SRIMSR, Naya Raipur 8L 4L 111514 571 210947 496

Chhattisgarh Govt Medical Colleges MBBS CUT Off 2024

2023 2024
Category Institute R 1 R 2 R 1
UR-Female Pt JNM Med Coll, Raipur 13197(17) 15589(17) 15045(18)
UR Pt JNM Med Coll, Raipur 17127(38) 22966(21) 19067(38)
OBC-Female Pt JNM Med Coll, Raipur 26649(7) 26649(7) 24380(8)
OBC Pt JNM Med Coll, Raipur 27477(18) 28392(1) 28466(18)
UR-Female CIMS, Bilaspur 24064(14) 31773(14) 28473(11)
UR CIMS, Bilaspur 29684(29) 34131(30) 29568(25)
UR-Female Govt Med Coll, Rajnandgaon 38906(10) 38993(10) 35812(9)
OBC-Female CIMS, Bilaspur 38286(6) 40952(6) 37264(5)
UR Govt Med Coll, Rajnandgaon 40460(21) 42556(15) 38920(23)
OBC CIMS, Bilaspur 36930(14) 42783(13) 37922(12)
OBC-Female Govt Med Coll, Rajnandgaon 42300(4) 43614(4) 42650(4)
UR-Female Baliram Kashyap NDMC, Jagdalpur 41050(10) 45082(10) 43813(9)
UR-S CIMS, Bilaspur 46337(1) 46337(1)
OBC Govt Med Coll, Rajnandgaon 45181(11) 46710(8) 44810(10)
UR BaliramKashyap NDMC, Jagdalpur 45014(21) 50032(21) 45523(23)
UR-Female Lakhi Ram Agrawal, Raigarh 47959(7) 50419(7) 46620(7)
OBC-Female BaliramKashyap NDMC, Jagdalpur 47874(4) 53152(4) 48030(4)
UR Lakhi Ram Agrawal, Raigarh 51531(17) 54799(16) 52831(18)
OBC-Female Lakhi Ram Agrawal, Raigarh 53745(3) 55482(3) 57284(3)
EWS Pt JNM Med Coll, Raipur 61526(20) 57772(8) 61111(19)
UR-Female Govt Med Coll, Ambikapur 56016(10) 57780(10) 56530(9)
UR Govt Med Coll, Ambikapur 57151(21) 58706(17) 60691(22)
UR-S Govt Med Coll, Rajnandgaon 59208(1) 59208(1)
UR-Female CCM Govt Medical College, Durg 53566(15) 60168(15) 56705(15)
OBC-Female Govt Med Coll, Ambikapur 58379(4) 62529(4) 66000(4)
OBC BaliramKashyap NDMC, Jagdalpur 50032(11) 63311(10) 50866(10)
UR CCM Govt Medical College, Durg 60288(33) 65834(29) 64173(34)
OBC-Female CCM Govt Medical College, Durg 64171(6) 66370(6) 69696(6)
OBC Lakhi Ram Agrawal, Raigarh 55775(9) 67724(8) 64030(8)
OBC Govt Med Coll, Ambikapur 62308(11) 67982(8) 66682(10)
UR-S BaliramKashyap NDMC, Jagdalpur 68721(1) 68721(1)
OBC CCM Govt Medical College, Durg 65523(16) 70719(11) 71598(16)
UR-Female Government Med Coll, Korba 66382(9) 71153(9) 74170(9)
UR-Female Government Med Coll, Mahasamund 72043(10) 73648(10) 76053(9)
UR-Female Govt Med Coll, Kanker 66370(10) 76181(10) 77735(9)
UR Government Med Coll, Korba 72117(23) 77623(22) 78218(22)
EWS CIMS, Bilaspur 77636(15) 78945(14) 75295(13)
UR Government Med Coll, Mahasamund 75631(21) 79008(20) 79976(23)
UR Govt Med Coll, Kanker 71019(21) 80783(23) 78948(23)
OBC-Female Government Med Coll, Korba 75305(4) 81436(4) 83301(4)
OBC-Female Govt Med Coll, Kanker 76181(4) 87477(4) 84071(4)
OBC Government Med Coll, Korba 81436(11) 88000(7) 85272(10)
OBC-Female Government Med Coll, Mahasamund 83340(4) 88007(4) 85624(4)
OBC Government Med Coll, Mahasamund 84359(11) 88586(9) 86317(10)
OBC Govt Med Coll, Kanker 81084(11) 88773(10) 85124(10)
EWS Govt Med Coll, Rajnandgaon 89569(10) 89569(7) 95998(10)
EWS BaliramKashyap NDMC, Jagdalpur 101327(10) 100115(9) 99799(10)
EWS Govt Med Coll, Ambikapur 107032(10) 101790(6) 112023(11)
SC-Female Pt JNM Med Coll, Raipur 91111(6) 107517(6) 77432(6)
EWS Lakhi Ram Agrawal, Raigarh 108701(9) 108701(6) 103327(9)
SC Pt JNM Med Coll, Raipur 101917(16) 108741(5) 85180(15)
EWS CCM Govt Medical College, Durg 113739(17) 114637(14) 121930(16)
SC CIMS, Bilaspur 117002(13) 121194(8) 129019(11)
UR-S CCM Govt Medical College, Durg 122493(1) 122493(1)
UR-S Govt Med Coll, Ambikapur 125647(1) 125647(1)
UR-S Government Med Coll, Mahasamund 130014(1) 130014(1)
SC-Female CIMS, Bilaspur 121844(5) 130168(5) 131227(4)
EWS Govt Med Coll, Kanker 130859(10) 130859(9) 131752(10)
EWS Government Med Coll, Korba 134188(11) 134188(8) 134801(11)
SC-Female Govt Med Coll, Rajnandgaon 134128(3) 135618(3) 132932(3)
EWS Government Med Coll, Mahasamund 136711(10) 136711(9) 138570(10)
SC Govt Med Coll, Rajnandgaon 137591(9) 142781(8) 143200(10)
SC-Female BaliramKashyap NDMC, Jagdalpur 125035(3) 144135(3) 151420(3)
SC-Female Lakhi Ram Agrawal, Raigarh 148288(3) 149763(3) 188861(3)
UR-S Govt Med Coll, Kanker 139834(1) 151668(1)
SC Lakhi Ram Agrawal, Raigarh 157220(7) 155615(6) 184434(7)
SC-Female Govt Med Coll, Ambikapur 156851(3) 161630(3) 173640(3)
SC Govt Med Coll, Ambikapur 166324(9) 166617(7) 185342(10)
SC-Female CCM Govt Medical College, Durg 166617(6) 167178(6) 189780(5)
SC BaliramKashyap NDMC, Jagdalpur 145175(9) 171460(7) 157091(10)
SC CCM Govt Medical College, Durg 171338(13) 179938(13) 193839(14)
SC-Female Government Med Coll, Korba 175425(3) 183012(3) 205251(3)
SC-Female Government Med Coll, Mahasamund 186141(3) 186141(3) 215185(3)
SC-Female Govt Med Coll, Kanker 178099(3) 186809(3) 206187(3)
SC Government Med Coll, Korba 183765(9) 188489(7) 213757(10)
SC Govt Med Coll, Kanker 186002(9) 194779(7) 212837(10)
SC Government Med Coll, Mahasamund 187071(9) 195085(6) 219064(10)
ST-Female Pt JNM Med Coll, Raipur 207045(17) 207045(17) 212228(16)
ST Pt JNM Med Coll, Raipur 227061(37) 235167(14) 259795(36)
ST-Female CIMS, Bilaspur 246796(13) 248310(13) 282414(11)
ST CIMS, Bilaspur 267150(28) 278969(22) 322147(23)
ST-Female BaliramKashyap NDMC, Jagdalpur 276426(9) 280354(9) 346218(9)
ST-Female Govt Med Coll, Rajnandgaon 290361(9) 297874(9) 333284(9)
ST Govt Med Coll, Rajnandgaon 306602(21) 310425(16) 349968(22)
ST-Female Lakhi Ram Agrawal, Raigarh 310152(7) 312476(7) 371995(7)
ST-S Pt JNM Med Coll, Raipur 317775(1) 317775(1)
ST BaliramKashyap NDMC, Jagdalpur 306532(21) 318307(19) 364950(22)
ST-Female Govt Med Coll, Ambikapur 317937(9) 323819(9) 380329(9)
ST-Female CCM Govt Medical College, Durg 327653(14) 333253(14) 393319(15)
ST Lakhi Ram Agrawal, Raigarh 320030(17) 342927(18) 387714(16)
ST Govt Med Coll, Ambikapur 327581(21) 345538(18) 392267(22)
ST CCM Govt Medical College, Durg 341006(31) 357332(32) 410098(31)
ST-Female Govt Med Coll, Kanker 347106(9) 357518(9) 418723(9)
ST-Female Government Med Coll, Korba 351152(9) 361357(9) 430345(9)
ST-Female Government Med Coll, Mahasamund 360764(9) 363701(9) 440258(9)
ST Govt Med Coll, Kanker 360006(21) 378518(21) 427368(22)
ST Government Med Coll, Korba 361491(21) 382010(21) 444710(22)
ST Government Med Coll, Mahasamund 366011(21) 384964(21) 450974(22)
UR-FF CCM Govt Medical College, Durg 513248(1) 513248(1) 629357(1)
ST-S CIMS, Bilaspur 533036(1) 533036(1)
ST-S CCM Govt Medical College, Durg 589547(1) 589547(1)
UR-FF Pt JNM Med Coll, Raipur 673065(1) 673065(1) 605523(1)
UR-FF Govt Med Coll, Rajnandgaon 803051(1)
UR-PwD Pt JNM Med Coll, Raipur 359568(2) 826096(1) 548819(3)
UR-PwD CCM Govt Medical College, Durg 933125(2) 834786(1) 878908(2)
UR-PwD CIMS, Bilaspur 527942(2) 1099829(1) 777876(1)
UR-EX Pt JNM Med Coll, Raipur 19280(1)
UR-EX CIMS, Bilaspur 31586(1)
UR-EX CCM Govt Medical College, Durg 75674(1)
UR-FF CIMS, Bilaspur 712448(1) 198797(1)
ST-EX Pt JNM Med Coll, Raipur 326766(1)
UR-PwD BaliramKashyap NDMC, Jagdalpur 811641(1) 426476(1)
ST-EX CIMS, Bilaspur 476915(1)
SC-PwD Pt JNM Med Coll, Raipur 849640(1) 564596(1)
OBC-PwD Pt JNM Med Coll, Raipur 574483(1) 596868(1)
ST-EX CCM Govt Medical College, Durg 614535(1)
OBC-PwD CCM Govt Medical College, Durg 944300(1) 997522(1)
UR-PwD Govt Med Coll, Rajnandgaon 792150(1) 1005354(1)
UR-PwD Lakhi Ram Agrawal, Raigarh 1010302(1) 1013720(1)
UR-PwD Govt Med Coll, Kanker 374961(1) 1048010(1)
SST Pt JNM Med Coll, Raipur 1105555(2) 1076402(1)
UR-PwD Govt Med Coll, Ambikapur 1129436(1)
UR-PwD Government Med Coll, Mahasamund 1143091(1)
ST-FF CIMS, Bilaspur 1155953(1)
UR-PwD Government Med Coll, Korba 719100(1) 1183855(1)
ST-PwD Pt JNM Med Coll, Raipur 1171344(2) 1312097(1)
UR-S Pt JNM Med Coll, Raipur 36627(1)
UR-FF Baliram Kashyap NDMC, Jagdalpur 803051(1)
OBC-PwD CIMS, Bilaspur 826096(1)
UR-FF Government Med Coll, Mahasamund 932446(1)
SC-PwD CCM Govt Medical College, Durg 1139911(1)

Click here to visit official of Chhattisgarh state counselling committee.

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At GetMBBSAdmission, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive support and guidance for medical aspirants seeking admission to undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) programs. With a wealth of experience and expertise, we assist students throughout the NEET UG/PG counseling process to ensure they make informed decisions and secure the best possible opportunities in their medical careers.

Our mission is to simplify the admission process, reduce stress, and empower students and their families with accurate information and personalized support. We guide students in all aspects of the counseling process, including form filling, document verification, college selection, and seat allotment. From the first step to the final admission, our team is here to ensure a seamless and hassle-free experience.

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