Today we will discuss about Bihar AYUSH counselling 2020.There is good news for all those students who are waiting for AYUSH 2nd counselling 2020 in Bihar state.
To see the details click here.
Although most of the students have now dropped their idea of Admission in BAMS,BHMS and BUMS.
Now these are students are planning to appear in NEET UG 2020 and secure good marks.
Reason is very simple that first choice of most of the medical aspirants is to do MBBS.In my personal opinion you must at least apply for NEET UG 2020 in addition to attending of this counselling .
Still there are few days remaining for filling the form.
In case you did not get good college in counseling then there be a option for you.
One thing more I want to tell you now there are only private colleges are having vacant seat.
Table of Contents
Eligibility Criteria
All those students have qualified NEET UG 2020 are eligible for participate in counselling.
You must also know that reservation is only for Bihar state DOMICILE students not for other states.
If you belongs to some reserved category like SC/ST/OBC but you are not resident of Bihar then minimum marks for eligibility is 134 which is equivalent to general category.
Click here to see the registration and counseling details.
Last date of Registration
Online registration will start from 24.11.2020.(Tentative)
Last date of Registration is 28.11.2020.
Publication of Rank=29.12.2020
Counselling date=30.12.2020
Admission in AYUSH without NEET
As on today there is no relaxation in minimum cut off marks .Means only NEET UG 2020 qualified for admission but there may be some possibility for low NEET scorer or even without NEET.
List of Ayurvedic colleges of Bihar having vacant BAMS seats
Dayanand Ayurved College , Hospital Siwan
Swami Raghvendra Tridandi Ayurved College, Gaya
List of Homeoplathic colleges of Bihar having vacant BHMS seats
Dr. R.B. Singh Gaya Homeo Medical College and Hospital Amwan, Gaya
Dr. Halim Homoeo Medical College and Hospital Laheriasarai, Darbhanga
Kent Homoeo Medical College , Hospital, Hajipur, Vaishali
Dr. yaduvir Sinha Homoeo. Medical College and Hospital Darbhanga
Maharshi Mehi Homoeo Medical College and Hospital katihar
G.D. Memorial Homoeo Medical College and Hospital Patna
UG Degree (BUMS) Courses of the Private Tibbi Colleges of Bihar
Suffia Unani Medical College, Bara Chakiya, East Champaran
N.U.M.C. , H, Gaya
If you want to see state wise NEET UG cut off marks for 2020 click here.
Feel free to contact us @ 8826-86-11-47/93-50-990-408 for counselling and admission related inquiry in MD/MS/PG Diploma/DNB and MBBS.You can call us for any query and questions related to NEET UG/PG examination .We are ready to assist you anytime.
You can also visit our You Tube channel by clicking here.