EWS quota in NEET UG
Today we will discuss about EWS quota in NEET UG. Read this article till end to know the complete details about reservation.
EWS quota in NEET UG
The EWS (Economically Weaker Sections) quota was introduced in NEET UG (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test-Undergraduate) in 2019-20 by the Government of India. The EWS quota provides a reservation of 10% of the total seats in medical colleges for candidates belonging to the EWS category, who meet the eligibility criteria for NEET UG.
To be eligible for the EWS quota, a candidate must belong to the EWS category as per the guidelines issued by the Government of India. The family income of the candidate should not exceed Rs. 8 lakhs per annum from all sources, including agriculture, business, and salary. Candidates who belong to the SC/ST/OBC category are not eligible for the EWS quota.
The EWS quota is implemented in the same way as other reserved categories, such as SC/ST/OBC. The 10% EWS quota seats are reserved in Government medical colleges in India, and candidates can apply for these seats during the NEET UG counselling process.
It is important to note that candidates can only avail the benefit of the EWS quota if they meet the eligibility criteria and have the required EWS category certificate issued by a competent authority. Candidates are advised to check the official website of the Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) for updates and instructions regarding the EWS quota in NEET UG.
The advantage of reservation under EWS can be taken by submitting of relevant Certificate issued by the Competent Authority which must not be less than SDM/ Tehsildar in the States/UTs or any other authority.
Note : Whenever we talked about total Income ,it includes income from all sources like salary, agriculture, business, profession, etc.
The Income and Asset document issued by any one of the below mentioned authorities in the standard format will be accepted as proof of student’s claim as associated to EWS.
District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/ Collector/ Deputy Commissioner/Additional’ Deputy Commissioner/ 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate/ Sub-Divisional Magistrate/ Taluka Magistrate! Executive Magistrate/ Extra Assistant Commissioner of the area
Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Presidency Magistrate of the area
Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar
Sub-Divisional Officer or the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides.
In this process all the relevant documents are verified at lower level.For if a student reside in a village then first of all Sarpanch or Nambardar will give his/report to the Patwari of the area.After that patwari will submit his/her repoart to the higher rank officer like SDM/Tehsildar.
Eligibility criteria for EWS (Economically Weaker Section) Quota in NEET UG/PG
Whenever we talked about EWS ,certain perimeters must be satisfied.These perimeters are related to the income and assets of the candidate’s family. To get EWS certificate student must fulfill the criteria mentioned below.
Candidate is not taking benefit of any type of reservation benefit like SCs, STs, and OBCs.
student’s family gross annual income must be below Rs 8 lakh.
Family of the student is not having 5 acres of agricultural land and more.
Candidates family don’t have a residential flat of 1000 sq ft. and above.
Family of the student is not having a residential plot of 900 sq ft. and above in notified municipalities.
Family of the student is not having a residential, plot of 1800 sq ft. and above in areas other than the notified municipalities.
Note:Family income means income of mother,father,brother and sisters (below the age of 18 years) only.
While applying in EWS category for NEET UG/PG , candidate have to choose the category in admission form as “General-EWS”. There is no need to upload EWS certificate in the NEET UG/PG online application form. It will be verified at the by the respective State Counselling Authority or the college. Due is any reason if any candidate is not able to submit his/her EWS certificate during counselling, his/ her candidature will not get cancelled, but he/ she will be considered in General category.
Some frequently asked question related to EWS reservation
Q1. Is there any reservation for Defence Quota students in All-India or state ?
Ans. Although there is no reservation for Defence Quota students in All-India Quota but definitely some states have reservation for Defence quota people or students.There is one private medical college in New Delhi.
Q2. Can a student from J , K ,Telangana participate in All-India Level counselling?
Ans. Yes, student from J,K can participate in All-India counselling but they have to submit an undertaking.
Q3. Is there any reservation Policy for admission in Private Colleges under NEET UG/PG?
Ans. Yes most of the states and UT have a reservation policies for students of their State/Union Territory.
Q4. Is there any reservation for the dependents of Ex-Defence servicemen?
Ans. Yes, there is provision of reservation for the dependents of Ex- Defence serviceman. But candidates are advised to see the details carefully before participating.
Q5. Who is eligible to take admission in AFMC Pune?
Ans. Any candidate who fulfills the criteria of AFMC can take admission in AFMC Pune. For more details visit official website of AFMC.
Click here to see the complete details.
Feel free to contact us @ 8826-86-11-47/93-50-990-408 for counselling and admission related inquiry in MD/MS/PG Diploma/DNB and MBBS.You can call us for any query and questions related to NEET UG/PG examination .We are ready to assist you anytime.
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