minimum marks for top clinical branches

Today we will discuss about “minimum marks for top clinical branches “.Read this article till end to know the complete details.

Minimum marks for Top clinical branches

Before going in to details we must know ,Although for UG medical courses there is only one entrance exam these days i,e NEET UG. From year 2020 to get admission in medical colleges across India whether it is AIIMS,JIPMER ,any Govt. college, private college or deemed colleges there was a single entrance EXAM NEET UG 2020.It was a big relief for medical aspirants.

NEET PG cut off marks 2022,2021,2020 for MD MS DNB

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Category Cutoff marks Cutoff marks Revised


Cutoff marks Revised


2022 2020 2020 2021 2021
Open Category (UR/EWS) 275 366 275 302 247
SC/ST/OBC 245 319 230 265 210
UR-PWD 260 342 252 283 229

AIQ NEET PG cut off  Stray vacancy Round 2021

Branch Stray Vacancy Round Final MOP UP Lowest Marks Stray Vacancy Round Final MOP UP Lowest Marks Stray Vacancy Round Final MOP UP Lowest Marks Stray Vacancy Round Final MOP UP Lowest Marks Stray Vacancy Round Final MOP UP Lowest Marks
Radiodiagnosis 5595 7397 557 12288 8218 5629 6446 19621 18467 80828 29614
DERMA 8228 7411 551 NS 12485 NS 8115 14440 13126 83848 32376
General Medicine 9419 8616 543 10671 12022 12211 9952 NA 29675 NA 59576
PEaDIATRICS 13808 10891 518 14346 13665 13900 13031 38007 32884 60376 57697
TB AND CHEST 15688 13321 508 NA 14059 13386 15220 34859 34766 73192 61653
ORTHO 15503 16107 506 21017 17410 16121 15910 36112 31159 60666 61682
OBG 14909 14019 512 13824 18669 18155 16374 36864 33700 63671 62075
General Surgery 17287 17083 501 19630 17848 18932 18310 38346 37529 73951 68553
OPTHAL 24932 23709 468 27014 29556 26932 26560 46085 43868 79717 73606
PSYCHIATRY 20012 17137 489 26189 29329 21114 24171 41090 46259 80828 76853
E.N.T 24916 23957 468 28780 30010 24904 24448 49470 48736 73677 70663
ANESTHESIA 25627 23692 465 30369 29545 28945 26262 49025 48144 83048 76802
PATHOLOGY 40117 36192 415 53640 48070 48734 42855 70619 64375 105080 94416

All India Quota MCC Top Clinical Branches Branch wise category wise cut off 2021

Branch R1 R2 Special Round Cancaelled MOP UP


Final MOP U


R1 R2 Special Round Cancaelled MOP UP Final MOP UP R1 R2 Special Round Cancaelled MOP UP Final MOP UP R1 R2 Special Round Cancaelled MOP UP Final MOP UP R1 R2 Special Round Cancaelled MOP UP Final MOP UP
Radiodiagnosis 2077 2042 2140 4433 7397 5661 4646 4950 7335 8218 3088 3317 3450 5977 6446 11289 10342 12500 19621 18467 16864 17948 19000 29614 29614
DERMA 2281 3135 3350 5914 7411 6175 7335 7750 11602 12485 3551 4656 4800 8047 8115 10789 13350 15000 7243 13126 19475 25970 27000 30507 32376
General Medicine 3592 4149 4480 7949 8616 6881 6728 6800 10548 12022 5941 6025 6350 8920 9952 18467 19259 21000 22807 29675 37342 43733 45000 51784 59576
PEaDIATRICS 5232 6011 6500 9694 10891 7647 8331 8750 13202 13665 6884 8047 8400 12237 13031 20442 23245 25000 29570 32884 41178 43013 44000 54683 57697
TB AND CHEST 5998 7901 8600 11052 13321 11111 10252 10600 13609 14059 8920 11563 12000 14731 15220 19869 23843 25000 29384 34766 42312 45163 47000 54880 61653
ORTHO 6813 8259 8900 13778 16107 12798 13313 14000 17385 17410 8626 10864 11900 14927 15910 23245 25382 27500 30908 31159 44871 52951 54000 53413 61682
OBG 7159 8378 9450 12943 14019 11405 12337 12900 15822 18669 11554 11554 12400 16116 16374 26468 28883 30000 32005 33700 42477 47057 48000 57779 62075
General Surgery 7801 8755 16000 15456 17083 13185 13749 14250 17390 17848 10281 11883 12600 16274 18310 26531 29711 31200 36105 37529 47716 58384 60000 62471 68553
OPTHAL 10746 14920 14200 18845 23709 19070 21781 22200 28126 29556 16121 18765 20000 23279 26560 31836 34502 36000 43282 43868 54992 63253 65000 72015 73606
PSYCHIATRY 10334 13043 14000 16934 17137 19147 22265 22800 26613 29329 18256 20153 21500 22209 24171 33563 38346 40000 42091 46259 54863 64538 67500 71301 76853
E.N.T 13066 15074 16700 20252 23957 21424 24249 28200 27458 30010 19526 19793 22200 24124 24448 32388 35977 38500 44803 48736 52258 63716 67500 71988 70663
ANESTHESIA 15357 16870 18500 23285 23692 21851 26572 29000 27906 29545 18760 20629 22000 25731 26262 34020 38293 39500 44207 48144 54868 65215 67500 72064 76802
PATHOLOGY 23505 29095 34625 34364 36192 40341 47466 50750 48070 48070 32682 37681 42250 37621 42855 48251 54339 56500 60762 64375 63275 74399 76500 91507 94416

Note: Although our team have done their best still you are advised to visit official website of MCC to see the complete details.

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This post was last modified on January 9, 2024 10:43 am