Mistakes Students make during NEET Counseling

Most Common Mistakes Students make during Neet Counseling

Most Common Mistakes Students make during NEET CounselingNEET UG result was announced few days back (November 1,2021) and despite the pandemic students got their hard work paid off as many new records made and broken this year.

Actually, it’s fascinating that three(03) students got 720 out of 720 in NEET UG Result 2021 and this is proof that with hard work and dedication any milestone can be achieved.

 NEET UG result Analysis 2021

And what comes after results is the NEET counselling process.

In the NEET counseling process passed and eligible students have to participate, in order to get the admission in any medical college according to their quota selection, score, rank , category.

This Whole counseling process takes place in 3 rounds

  • 1st Round counselling
  • 2nd Round counseling
  • 3rd Mop-up round counseling

Mop up is the 3rd round of counselling and comes after only when the other 2 rounds finished.

And which seats are left, resigned and still vacant by whatever the reasons get filled in this round.

As we already know that there are two types of counselling

1st. All India Level Counselling- In all India level counselling there are 15% seats from all Govt. colleges of India, all central universities and all deemed universities participate. It is conducted by the Medical Counselling Committee.

This counselling conducted by the Directorate General of Health Sciences (DGHS) on behalf of the Medical Counselling Committee.

2nd. State Level Counselling- State quota contains 85% medical seats so it is conducted by their respective states.

Note this point: Medical Counselling Committee (DGHS) for All India Quota conducts two rounds of counselling and if some seats remain vacant (empty). Then these seats are transferred to concerned state medical colleges and deemed universities.

And now this is the responsibility of deemed universities and state medical colleges to fill up these vacant seats via Mop up round.

if you don’t give proper attention while participating in these various counselling then there are chances that you miss your admission as Counseling is a complicated process.

That’s why we decided to write a post on which we are going to share the most common mistakes students make during NEET Counseling.

So you can save yourself from making these NEET counseling mistakes.

So without doing any more jibber jabber, let’s dive into the post.

Most common mistakes students make during NEET Counseling

Most Common Mistakes Students make during Neet Counseling


For online counseling, there aren’t many mistakes going to happen as you get a step by step process with complete description on respective websites. 

For example, Delhi university colleges, it was pretty much sorted.

But if we talk about offline counseling then these are the mistakes that every student must avoid.

    • Check previous year cutoffs: Be aware about the last year AIQ and state cutoffs so that you can predict which colleges can be selected for you. Read this article to check 2019 cutoffs for every state- Previous year’s NEET UG 2019 cut off Marks
    • Mark dates: Read all the instructions carefully. Be informed about all the counseling dates and procedures so you can prepare everything before the deadline.
    • Don’t wait for the last day while filling online submissions, be through with it one or two days prior to it to avoid any server errors and documentation issues.
    • It is advisable to go through last year’s notices and arrange the documents listed beforehand. Sometimes colleges demand for the documents that you can’t even imagine, like the 11th results paper.
    • Keep the documents ready– both original and at least 10 photocopies each. The originals are submitted in the college so you need to keep a good amount of copies. If you want to be extra prepared, scan them beforehand and keep them ready to upload.
    • Anyone with categories like army wards, or any other quota you wanna avail needs specific documents as well.
    • Select course super carefully in round 2, sometimes students don’t give attention and select different courses rather than original. Once a student mistakenly selected BDS rather than MBBS and he has gone through the legal process from just this mistake.
  • Don’t forget Anti Ragging Affidavit- This document give students a run while submitting as they don’t know about it, so make sure not to make this mistake.
  • Don’t leave anything for the last day. The govt websites are prone to crashes so do asap until you don’t want to risk an year.
  • Don’t take anxiety, tension or fear- It is a difficult process and it can take more than 2 days of going to the college and coming back with a document missing. So make sure to grab all documents and Get it all done asap with being calm.

Mistakes to avoid while NEET Counseling for Droppers or Repeaters

Most Common Mistakes Students make during Neet Counseling

  • Along with all required documents Droppers and repeaters need to submit a gap year certificate as there is gap in their 12th results and NEET process. 

All these formats are available on college websites when the counselling process is about to start and on google as well. Remember to get them all attested from gazette officers.

  • Another thing for Droppers  to note is that  Character certificates expire after 6 months. So if you got one from your school, please check the date and get a new one.

Schools will not give gap certificates. They will not vouch for anything after your school years.

Then there is Character certificate,

Character certificates that can be availed from school but some colleges will not accept it. Character certificates certify your character in a duration of 6 months and if you haven’t been in school for more than a year, it may or may not be considered valid.

Simply google the format, copy it on a word document, fill in your names and get it printed. Then just get it attested. Much less hassle.

Click here to download free Android App from Google play store for all your queries related to MBBS,BDS,BAMS Admissions 2020.

Final words

NEET counseling is complicated process that sometimes gives even a student’s parents a headache. That’s why pay close attention while preparing the documentations.

And don’t hesitate to ask others for help.

You can even contact us, if you are facing any confusion, issue or need consultation.

Just call or WhatsApp at +918826861147.

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About Me

At GetMBBSAdmission, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive support and guidance for medical aspirants seeking admission to undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) programs. With a wealth of experience and expertise, we assist students throughout the NEET UG/PG counseling process to ensure they make informed decisions and secure the best possible opportunities in their medical careers.

Our mission is to simplify the admission process, reduce stress, and empower students and their families with accurate information and personalized support. We guide students in all aspects of the counseling process, including form filling, document verification, college selection, and seat allotment. From the first step to the final admission, our team is here to ensure a seamless and hassle-free experience.

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