Today we will discuss about Armed Forces Medical College.
Here is the complete admission Process of AFMC Pune for 2021-22.
There are total of 150 seats till the year 2019. Out of these 145 (115 boys and 30 girls) will be selected .These Medical Cadets do training (including MBBS course) at the Armed Forces Medical College, Pune .Finally they get commissioned in the Armed Forces Medical Services as Medical Officers.
The candidates selected in addition to being doctors will also be functioning as officers of the Indian Armed Forces. They have to be both physically and psychologically robust to be able to undergo the rigors of life in the Armed Forces.Selected candidates need to have leadership qualities, effective communication skills and excellent physical standards.This is exactly what is to be expected from serving officers of the Armed Forces.
Table of Contents
Armed Forces Medical College
1. Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC), Pune is one of the top medical college of India.This College is a Center of Excellence for medical education and research.It was incepted in 1948 for postgraduate courses. The graduate wing for the MBBS course was started on 04 Aug 1962 .Aim of this was to induct medical graduates to the Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS). Presently the college provides training to under-graduate and post-graduate medical .In addition to this nursing students with assured career prospects in the defense services.
2. AFMC, Pune is affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik and is recognized by the Medical Council of India.
Armed Forces Medical College -Eligibility
A candidate seeking admission to the MBBS Course in AFMC is eligible if he / she fulfills the
following criteria: –
(a) A candidate should be citizen of India. Foreign nationals of Indian origin may be
admitted into AFMC only after they have acquired Indian Citizenship or in respect of whom the
Ministry of Home Affairs issues a certificate of eligibility. This however does not apply to the 05
Govt Sponsored Candidates from Friendly Foreign Countries.
(b) Must be unmarried. Marriage during the course is not permitted.
(c) Should be medically fit as per prescribed standards by the Govt of India, Ministry of
Defence (see Appendix ‘A’).
Armed Forces Medical College-Age criteria
The candidate should have attained the age of 17 years on 31 Dec 2019 but must not have attained the age of 24 years on that date i.e. must have been born not earlier than 01 January 1996 and not later than 31 December 2002.
(e) Candidates from Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Jammu , Kashmir are also eligible for
admission to AFMC, Pune.
Academic Qualification
Candidates must have passed one of the qualifying examinations in the first attempt with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken simultaneously and securing not less than 60% of the aggregate marks in these three science subjects taken together and not less than 50% marks in English and 50% marks in each of the science subjects. They must have also passed an examination in Mathematics of the tenth standard.
The examinations must include English, Physics, Chemistry , Biology which shall include practical test in all of these science subjects.
Number of seats
A total of 145 medical cadets (115 boys , 30 girls) will be admitted for the year 2019. In addition to the above 145 seats, Govt of India at its discretion through Ministry of External Affairs , Ministry of Defence may sponsor and select five (05) NEET(UG) qualified foreign students from friendly foreign countries for MBBS training in AFMC, under their aid / collaboration programmes.
Ten seats out of 145 are reserved for candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes (SC/ST) subject to the provisions stated in Paragraph 21 below.
Candidates seeking admission to AFMC Pune will have to qualify the NEET UG –2019 examination conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).
Eligible candidates who are interested to join AFMC Pune, to pursue the MBBS course will
have to mandatorily register and apply for AFMC, Pune on DGHS website: during the
registration window provided by the DGHS. Candidates are advised to visit the above website for
After the last date of registration, list of candidates who have applied for AFMC, Pune will be
provided by DGHS. The NEET Roll No. of the candidates who are shortlisted for the screening at
AFMC, Pune based on merit will be displayed on the website. Approximately 1750 candidates (1170
boys and 580 girls) will be called for the screening to be held in the third and fourth week of June 2019 at AFMC, Pune.
The exact schedule of the screening at AFMC, Pune along with the details of the shortlisted candidates will be available on the website: /
tentatively by 20 June 2019. Request for change of date of interview will NOT be entertained except
under extreme circumstances.
(a) The shortlisted candidates will be called for Test of English Language, Comprehension,
Logic and Reasoning (ToELR), Psychological Assessment Test (PAT), Interview and Medical
Examination to be held in the month of June / July at AFMC, Pune.
(b) Test of English Language Comprehension, Logic and Reasoning (ToELR) will be in the
form of Computer Based Test (CBT) consisting of 40 MCQs of 2.0 marks each amounting to a
maximum of 80marks and will be held at AFMC Pune. There will be negative marks of 0.5 for
every incorrect answer. These 40 questions will be required to be answered in 30 minutes. The
marks obtained in ToELR will be added to NEET -2019 score (max of 720) to get a score out of
800. This will be divided by 4 to get the written examination score out of 200. The interview will
consist of 50 marks. The final merit will be based on the Final score thus obtained (Written
examination score + Interview marks).
No inquiries on telephone / fax regarding results will be entertained by office of DGAFMS New Delhi or AFMC Pune.
The candidates will be required to produce originals of all certificates/marks sheets, NEET UG -2019 admit card (hall ticket), NEET UG score card and original certificate of NCC, Sports certificate at school, District, State , National /International level, if any, at the time of the screening at AFMC .All candidates will produce result or proof of having appeared in the qualifying examination held on or before 30 Apr 2019 at the time of screening (if the result of such examination has not been declared).
Original mark sheet , pass certificate of qualifying examination, however will have to be produced prior to admission.On the basis of the NEET UG – 2019 score and screening at AFMC, two merit lists, one for boys and one for girls, will be drawn up and admissions will be offered only to these shortlisted candidates in accordance with their final merit position. The remaining candidates will be on the waiting list. The result will be displayed on the websites stated above and at the O/o DGAFMS and
Admission Cell AFMC Pune.Candidates admitted to AFMC for MBBS course have a compulsory liability to serve as
Commissioned Officers in the Armed Forces Medical Services. The offer of the type of commission will depend upon the vacancies available and shall be determined on merit-cum-option at the final MBBS examination. The liability of the SSC officers passing out of AFMC to serve in the Armed Forces Medical Services would be 7 (seven) years.
The Permanent Commission (PC) Officers will have to serve in AFMS till date of superannuation. Complete details of Service Liability , Bond Agreement will be given to the candidates shortlisted for the screening
At the time of admission parents/guardians of the candidates are required to sign a bond agreement for Rs 30,00L/- (Rupees Thirty Lakhs only). Any candidate withdrawing from the college after 7 days of admission [after 1600hrs (4PM)] will have to pay Bond Money as per existing rules.
Document Scrutiny
The candidates called for admission will have to produce the original Admit card for NEET UG – 2019 containing the NEET Roll number, original mark sheets of their qualifying examination and other documents, details of which will be given in the joining instructions. If their results and mark sheets are not received by the date of reporting for admission to AFMC, their candidature will be cancelled and no representation in this respect will be entertained.
No candidate will be admitted provisionally awaiting result of the qualifying examination. If at any point of time in the process of interview, admission, or MBBS course the documents of the candidate are found to be false/not authentic or any other discrepancy is observed, the candidature / selection / admission of the candidate will be cancelled forthwith.
All candidates will be subjected to medical examination as per the requirement of the Armed Forces and as per the laid down standards. The details of the same are given at Paragraphs 44 to 48. The candidates who have been declared medically unfit by the Medical Board of AFMC will not figure in the final merit list for admission.
Special Concession
The government provides the following concessions to service liability candidate (male and
(a) Entitled rations as authorized and subsidized messing arrangements.
(b) Hostel accommodation and allied services.
(c) AC-3 Tier railway warrant for journey during term vacation from college to home and
(d) AC-2 Tier rail journey on railway warrant after being commissioned.
(e) A subsidy of Rs 12L/- per medical cadet for purchase of books and equipment during
the entire training period. Amount will be issued proportionately during I, II and III MBBS.
(f) Uniform allowance – Rs 6000/- per medical cadet during first year, and Rs 1250/- per
year as maintenance allowance in subsequent years.
(g) Hair Cutting Allowance of Rs 140/- per month per medical cadet.
(h) Stationery Grant.
(j) Washing allowance.
(k) All AFMC cadets are provided Insurance / Disability benefits by Army Group Insurance
fund on payment of Rs 7,200/- as a one-time non-refundable premium. Additional premium for
every relegated term of six months is Rs 857/-. Insurance cover is Rs 15,00L/-for death and
Rs 7,50L/- for 100% disability proportionately reduced to Rs 1,50L/- for 20% disability.
Further details regarding terms and conditions are available with the Admission Cell AFMC. The
scheme is compulsory for all cadets.
Medical Standard
Boys standards
The minimum height required for entry into the Armed Forces
for male cadets is 157 cm. Candidates from Hill and North Eastern States will be
accepted with a minimum height of 152 cm. An allowance for growth of 02 cm will be
made for candidates below 18 yrs at the time of examination.
Girls standards
The minimum height required for entry into the Armed Forces for female cadets is 152 cm. Candidates from Hill and North Eastern States will be accepted with a minimum height of 147 cm. An allowance for growth of 02 cm will be made for candidates below 18 yrs at the time of examination.
Overweight and obese candidates as per Height / Age / Weight standards for the Armed Forces will be declared unfit.
Feel free to contact us @ 8826-86-11-47/93-50-990-408 for counselling and admission related inquiry in MD/MS/PG Diploma/DNB and MBBS.You can call us for any query and questions related to NEET UG/PG examination .We are ready to assist you anytime.
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If you wanted to know the NEET PG 2020 counselling and admission Process, click here.