Mop Up Round in NEET Counselling

mop up round counselling

Today we will discuss about Mop Up Round in NEET Counselling .Read this article till end to know revised counselling norms for coming session and eligibility for mop up round.

In addition to this we will check Eligibility for NEET Mop Up Round: Are you aware about Mop-up round in NEET counselling and want to know everything about it. 

Then this article is especially for you! We wants to make it clear that , after mop round of counseling there may be one more round of counselling which is also known as stray vacancy round of counselling or CLC(College Level counselling).Some times with proper guidance and knowledge you can get a seat in top medical colleges even with low score.

In this article, you are going to explain

  • What is mop up round counselling ?
  • Eligibility for mop up round
  • How to participate in Mop up round ?
  • Documents required at the time of admission
  • When is mop up round counselling for NEET 2020 ?

Let’s get started!

What is mop up round in NEET counselling ?

mop up round counselling

From year (2021) there are total 04 (four) rounds of counselling conducted in NEET UG counselling by MCC and out of these four counsellings third round of counselling is known as mop up round.

Mop up round  is the 3rd round of counselling and will be conducted only if there are seats remains vacant after second rounds of counselling .

And all remaining seats by whatever the reasons get filled in this round of counselling.

As we already know that there are two types of counselling :

First is- All India Level Counselling- In all India level counselling there are 15% seats from all Govt. colleges of India, all central universities and all deemed universities participate. It is conducted by Medical Counselling Committee.

This counselling conducted by the Directorate General of Health Sciences (DGHS) on behalf of Medical Counselling Committee.

Second is –State Level Counselling- State quota contains 85% medical seats of all Government medical colleges of the state as well as 100 % seats of all private college , Universities of the respective states.

Note this point: Earlier (before 2021) Medical Counselling Committee (DGHS) for All India Quota conducts only two round of counselling and if some seats remain vacant (empty) then these seats were transferred to concerned state medical college and deemed universities but from session 2021-22 MCC conducts four(04) rounds of counselling.

NEET UG counselling schedule 

MCC NEET UG All India Quota Counselling Schedule 2021 Round 1 Round 2MCC NEET UG All India Quota Counselling Schedule 2021 mop up round

Note: If we talked about about state quota counselling, every state have a different method for mop-up round counselling process some state conduct online , some state does it offline.

Eligibility for NEET mop up round

mop up round counselling

Candidates who are eligible for Mop up counselling

As per latest norms all the students and candidate who have qualified NEET UG exam 2022, are eligible for mop up round counselling only if they have not  joined any seat allotted from all India Quota /state level counselling. 

Students who didn’t get any seat in round 1st and 2nd counselling can also participate in mop up round of counselling to get a seat.

Candidates are also eligible for mop up round who got admitted in round 1st and 2nd and secure the seat but didn’t fill up status retention form/ joined the seat.

Plus, all the candidates who are waitlisted, eligible for mop up round.

Candidates who are NOT eligible for Mop up counselling

  • After filling the Retention form, students are not eligible.
  • Candidates who joined and the resign after the seat allotment in previous rounds.
  • Students whom allotted seats in computerized Cap but didn’t join.

How to participate in NEET Mop up round counselling ?

As per the norms released by Supreme court.All the students and candidate who are qualified from NEET can participate in mop up round of counselling in any state irrespective of their domicile against vacate seat reverted to states through 15 percent quota.

Candidates automatically eligible and participate in Mop Up round. But they have to fill separate form for this round. 

Kindly verify the same from official website of all India counselling and respective state counselling authority.

Note: Some states does not allow registration in 2nd round and mop up round of counselling. So students are advised to do registration in first round of counselling only.

The dates will display at the time of counselling. 

Steps To Participate In NEET Mop Up Round
Step 1 Check out the seat matrix to know the availability of seats in various medical colleges.
Step 2 Fill up the online form on the official website of MCC and register yourself.
Step 3 Fill up your choice within the time window mentioned above.
Step 4 Make the payment of fees for the Mop Up Round- only if not paid earlier
Step 5 Lock your choices
Step 6 Once the seats are allotted and the result is declared, report to the allotted college for further formalities.

Documents required for NEET UG counselling 

These documents must be required if you got the in Mop up round

  • Birth Certificate
  • Category Certificate (If Applicable)
  • Passport size photograph (Six)
  • High School , Intermediate Mark Sheets
  • High School , Intermediate Passing Certificate
  • Identity Proof
  • NEET 2022 Admit Card
  • NEET 2022 Rank Card
  • Provisional Allotment Letter

When is mop up round counselling for NEET UG 2022 ?

NEET UG 2022 exam was held on  July 17,2022(Sunday) and NEET UG 2022 result  was declared by September 7,2022 .Although counselling will starts in the month of September but mop up round of counselling will be in the month of November.

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Feel free to contact us @ 88-26-86-11-47/93-50-990-408 for counselling and admission related inquiry in MD/MS/PG Diploma/DNB and MBBS.

You can call us for any query and questions related to  NEET UG/PG examination. We are ready to assist you anytime.

Basant Kumar

Basant Kumar is a freelance writer for hire with a background in Blogging, SEO and Content Writing. He helps people to grow their web visibility by writing highly engaging content for their blog/business.

FAQ’s-  Mop-up round counselling for NEET UG Admissions

How will I came to know about the number of vacant seats left for mop up round?

Ans:The number of vacant seats available is published on the MCC official website for AIIMS ,JIPMER ,Central Universities ,ESICs ,Deemed medical colleges and all those Government medical colleges that are covered under 15 % All India Quota. Similarly State will publish their state quota vacant seats details of their respective website.

Is it’s mandatory to secure MOP-UP allotted seat?

Yes, it’s mandatory to join mop-up round allotted seat.

What happened if candidates will not secure MOP-UP Round allotted seat Round?

The candidate selected in Mop up rounds &, fails to join or resign after joining to an allotted seat, then such a candidate will have to pay penalty as per rule, as well as he/she will not be eligible for admission through state Quota for subsequent two academic years.

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At GetMBBSAdmission, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive support and guidance for medical aspirants seeking admission to undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) programs. With a wealth of experience and expertise, we assist students throughout the NEET UG/PG counseling process to ensure they make informed decisions and secure the best possible opportunities in their medical careers.

Our mission is to simplify the admission process, reduce stress, and empower students and their families with accurate information and personalized support. We guide students in all aspects of the counseling process, including form filling, document verification, college selection, and seat allotment. From the first step to the final admission, our team is here to ensure a seamless and hassle-free experience.

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